My name is Fran. I have been playing the piano since the age of 5, having been taught by my mother. The piano has been my loyal friend all my life.
It was only when I, my husband and three young boys moved to India for a year that I realised I couldn't do without a piano to play on. I then had the idea to combine my hobby with my living and I became a piano teacher. I have never looked back!
I have done a lot of research on effective practice and place a strong emphasis on teaching my pupils how to practice effectively. An important chunk of the lesson is focused on making sure that you are practicing properly as this is the single most important factor to your piano success. I teach the all-important music theory from day one. Music Theory need not be boring. The more you understand, the fun the playing becomes – everything falls into place.
Above all, my aim is pass on my love of piano playing because if you are committed and inspired, you will practice properly and therefore progress.
I believe that if you are interested in music, then you are musical. It is actually very rare to be “tone deaf”. I have taught pupils who thought that they were tone deaf and with some practice (you see, it’s always practice that is needed), they are able to sing in tune.
My goal in each lesson is for my pupil to leave at the end, already looking forward to the next lesson. We work hard in lessons but always have fun!
What I offer
I teach all ages from my home in Southville, Bristol, BS3. I teach complete beginners, re-starters and intermediates. I am guided by what you want to achieve- whether it is to play purely for pleasure or follow the structured exam route. Regarding genres of music, my first love and starting point is classical. However, it is vital for you to play what you enjoy so I am open to all styles. Each lesson is guided by what you want to achieve.
I follow Philip Harris’ simulataneous learning approach. I take a proactive rather than a reactive approach to teaching. Music Theory and aural tests cannot be just tagged on to the lesson. I teach so that all aspects of your musicianship skills (musical connections) are covered in every lesson because all these “cogs in the wheel” are interconnected. For example, each new piece that you learn has “ingredients” in it (perhaps scales, staccato notes, octave jumps etc) which we work on first. Therefore, when you start to learn the piece, you have a head start and are less likely to make mistakes. The learning is spontaneous: each lesson is a musical journey. By learning this way, the lessons are more fun and stress-free because I am not simply correcting mistakes throughout the lesson (the “old school” teaching style).
Left- brain dominant pupils tend to find sight-reading and notation reading easier than improvisation and vice-verca with Right brained pupils. In lessons, we give both sides of your brain a work out by covering the creative/spontaneous right brain skills and the analytical skills of the left brain. Piano playing really is the best work-out for your brain!
I believe that if you are interested in music, then you are musical. It is actually very rare to be “tone deaf”. I have taught pupils who thought that they were tone deaf and with some practice (you see, it’s always practice that is needed), they are able to sing in tune.
Fran-the person.
Apart from performing and practicing on the piano (which I do every day without fail!), I do have some other interests!
I love yoga and I find it complements the piano perfectly. I am in a tennis club and really enjoy the outdoor exercise and the fun, sociable side of it. I enjoy going for long walks in the Mendips with my husband and three boys. I enjoy all types of music and love going to live gigs and classical concerts. I believe it is important to keep an open mind regarding new genres of music (it helps you grow as a musician) and so it is my mission to explore this more.
Apart from reading books on music (Music History and Music Theory are my favourites), I am a member of a book club(which forces me to read books that are not just about music!). I am also a film buff and love getting lost in a good film.

Continuing Professional Development.
I am a member of The European Piano Teacher's Association (EPTA) and attended its Piano Teacher's Summer School in 2019.
I am a member of ABRSM and I attend the ABRSM Music Teachers' Annual Conference each year.
I have an up- to- date CRB Certificate.

"Fran is an excellent tutor. my daughter had passed grade 1 to 5 violin and arrived almost at grade 6 before discovering that she had to pass grade 5 music theory in order to enter. She had little knowledge of music theory when she went to Fran. She was taken through grade 5 in just a few weeks, gaining a merit and only missing a distinction by 2 marks.
Jim, Bedminster, Bristol.